Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance人类潜力:业绩工程学
正版现货 全球胜任力英语教程=English for Global Competence:英文 附U校园课程 外语教学与研究出版社 9787521348491
【预售】Competence At Work: Models For Superior Performance
【预售】Intercultural Competence for Translators
【4周达】Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence : Revisited [9781800410237]
【预订】Health, Wellbeing, Competence and Ag...
【预售】Evaluation of Competence to Stand Trial
【预订】Teaching and Testing L2 Interactional Competence 9780367728854
【预订】Personality and Intellectual Competence
预订 Determined by Reasons: A Competence Account of Acting for a Normative Reason 由理由决定:为规范理由行事的能力说明:
【预售】Navigating Cultural Competence in Grades K 5: A C
[预订]The Occupational Therapist’s Workbook for Ensuring Clinical Competence 9781630910495
【预售】Intercultural Competence in Organizations: A Guide for Leaders, Educators and Team Players
[预订]Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories
【预订】Professional Error Competence of Preservice Teachers
【预订】Nigeria-South Africa Relations and Regional Hegemonic Competence
【预订】Cultural Competence and the Higher Education Sector
【预售】Spatial Visualization and Professional Competence: The Development of Proficiency Among Digital Artists
【预订】Organizational Competence for Servitization
【预订】Competence Assessment in Dementia
【预售】Children S Competence to Consent
[预订]Measuring Professional Competence for the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling 9783030780708
【预售】Early Childhood Teacher Education on Cultural Competence
预订 Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence for Educational Exchange: A Multinational Perspective 培养教育交
预订 Assessing Oral Strategic Competence of Young Language Learners: An Integrative Perspective 青少年语言学习者口语策略
预订 Culture in Clinical Care: Strategies for Competence 临床护理文化:能力策略 第2版: 9781032957135
预订 Sociology of Skills: From the notion of qualification to the notion of competence: 9798753229823
[预订]The Guide-board to Health, Peace, and Competence; or, the Road to Happy old Age 9781016524513
【预售】Alliance Competence: Maximizing The Value Of Your
【预订】Competence Assessment in Education
【预售】Pragmatic Competence
【预订】The Choice of Legal Basis for Acts of the European Union: Competence Overlaps, Institutional Preferences, ...
预订 Ownership in a Family Business as a Profession: Task Fulfillment in Balance of Responsibility, Competence, and Enga
预订 The Cultural Evolution of Viennese Coffeehouses: Slavonic Empowerment and Women’s Competence: 9798863455167
【预售】Competence Perspectives on Managing Internal
【预售】Competence Perspectives on Resources, Stakeholders
预订 Change Competence: Implementing Effective Change 变化能力:实施有效变革 第9卷 (丛书): 9781138818613
【预订】The Communicative Competence of Young Children
【预售】Managing Project Competence
【预售】The Allocation of Regulatory Competence in the Eu
【预售】Adjudicative Competence: The MacArthur Studies
【预订】Comprehensive Global Competence for World-Class Universities in China
【预售】Relational Competence Theory: Research and Mental
【预售】Fairness and Competence in Citizen Participation:
【预售】Measuring Reading Competence
【预订】The Development of Immunologic Competence
【预订】Mandarin Competence of Chinese-English Bilingual Preschoolers
【预订】Teaching Aboriginal Cultural Competence 9789811572036
【预售】Contexts of Competence: Social and Cultural
【预订】Diagnostic Competence of Mathematics Teachers
【预订】Competence in High Performance Compu...
【预订】Teaching Aboriginal Cultural Competence
【预订】Competence Development and Assessment in TVET (COMET)
【预售】Contexts of Competence: Social and Cultural Co...
[预订]Character Building and Competence Development in Medical and Health Professions Education 9789819945726
[预订]Language Learning Motivation and L2 Pragmatic Competence 9789811952821
【预售】Social Competence in Children
【预订】Language Learning Motivation and L2 Pragmatic Competence 9789811952791
预订 Relational Competence Theory
【预订】Competence in High Performance Computing 2010
预订 Character Building and Competence Development in Medical and Health Professions Education: The First Biennial Indon
【预订】Towards a Framework for Representational Competence in Science Education
【预售】Cultural Competence in Health Care
【预订】Beyond Knowledge: The Legacy of Competence 9789048179992
预订 The Development of L2 Interactional Competence: A Multimodal Study of Complaining in French Interactions 第二语言交
【预售】From Knowledge Management to Strategic Competence:
预订 Educating children with Asperger’s Syndrome: The relationship between levels of social competence and of false bel
【预售】Conversational Competence and Social Development
【预售】Navigating Cultural Competence in Grades 6-12: A
【预售】Leadership and Management Competence in Nursing Practice
[预订]Cultural Competence in Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention with Ethnic Minorities: Some Perspect 9781608054077
[预订]Cultural Competence Now 9781416628491
[预订]Educating for Global Competence 9781416631583
【预售】Assessing Competence in Medicine and Other Health Professions
【预订】Managing Project Competence
【预订】Social Competence of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children
预订 The Ethics of Cultural Competence in Higher Education 高等教育文化能力伦理学: 9781774632857
【预订】Using Pedagogic Intervention to Cultivate Contextual Lexical Competence in L2: An Investigation of Chinese...
【预售】Displaying Competence in Organizations: Discourse
【预售】Shyness and Society: The Illusion of Competence
【预售】Relationship Competence for Healthcare Management:
【预售】Collaborative Model for Promoting Competence and
【预订】Handbook of Research on Students’ Research Competence in Modern Educational Contexts
【预售】Project Management Competence
【预售】Knowledge Management and Organizational Competence
[预订]Exploring Cultural Competence in Professional Development Schools (hc) 9781648021350
【预售】Cultural Competence in America's Schools: Lead...
[预订]Intercultural Competence in Instructed Language Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice (HC) 9781681234182
【预订】The Health Care Professional’s Guide to Cultural Competence 9780323790000
【预售】Demonstrating Your Clinical Competence in Respiratory Disease, Diabetes and Dermatology
【预售】Competence: Theoretical Frameworks
【预售】Implementing Competence-Based Strategies
【预售】Competence Considered